Budget Development Calendar

Lusted Water District


FY 2024-2025


1.     Budget Officer Appointed                                              January 24, 2024


2.     Preliminary Staff-Requested General Fund Budget

Presented to Board                                                     March 13, 2024


3.     Budget Committee Appointed                                        March 13, 2024       


4.     Budget Workshop (During Board Meeting)                  April 10, 2024


5.     Proposed Budget Prepared                                                 April 19, 2024                                                                                        

6.     Notice of Budget Committee Meeting                           April 19, 2024

(Published 30-5 days prior) The Outlook & LustedWater.Com                                  


7.     Budget Committee Meeting (Barlow High School)                  May 8, 2024


8.     Approved Budget Submitted to TSCC                           May 10, 2024


9.     Publish Budget Summary and Notice of Budget Hearing May 31, 2024

(Published 5-25 days prior) The Outlook                          


10.   Budget Hearing                                                              June 12, 2024

         Board Vote on Budget Adoption & Resolution

         June 30 deadline


11.   Copies sent to:         Tax Supervising & Conservation Commission

                                         Multnomah County Assessor

                                             Sec. of State Audit Division

